— Creating documents —
Style documents with css (cascading style sheets)
Particularly useful with divs and spans for special styling (see Quarto documentation for more information)
See the Pandoc documentation on Divs and Spans for additional details.
Source: RStudio - HTML Basics
Most html options can be controlled via yaml
Most options come under the html format tag
be careful of indentation, it matters!
More: RStudio - HTML yaml
Change the title of the Table of Contents.
Change the location of the Table of Contents.
Turn on Anchored sections, what did that do?
Turn on smooth-scroll, what did that do?
Add a section with a tip about your favorite drink
Add a horizontal rule
Add a comment. What does that look like?
Type | Label Prefix |
Figures | fig- |
Tables | tbl- |
Equations | eq- |
Sections | sec- |
Code listing | lst- |
Theorem | thm- |
Take a screenshot of something on your screen, and add the image to your document.
Give the image a caption, and reference it in a piece of text.
Can be added via insert -> citation
Can also be added directly with @
References are stored in bibtex files in your project
Markdown Format | Output (author-date format) |
Blip blop bloop [see Biswal et al. (2010), pp. 33-35; also , chap. 1] |
Blip blop bloop (Biswal et al. 2010, 33–35, 38–39 and passim) |
Blip blop bloop (Mowinckel and Vidal-Piñeiro 2019; Biswal et al. 2010). |
Mowinckel says blah (2019) |
Biswal et al. (2010) says bloop. |
::: {#refs}
title: "My document"
toc: true
toc-depth: 2
toc-title: Contents
number-sections: true
colorlinks: true
keep-tex: true
Source: RStudio - Quarto PDF basics
Awesome quarto - Curated list of Quarto talks and websites
Quarto tag - RStudio Community